About Groodles
The Groodle, also known as a Goldendoodle, is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. This hybrid first emerged in North America during the 1990s as an alternative to the Labradoodle. Groodles quickly gained popularity in Australia and around the world due to their intelligence, gentle temperament, affectionate nature, and low- or non-shedding coats. With a life expectancy of 12-15 years, Groodles remain active and energetic throughout their lives. They love being included in family activities and also adore snuggling up with their humans. They require moderate daily exercise such as walks, backyard play or visits to the beach or lake for digging and swimming. Groodles are social dogs who enjoy interacting with people, kids and other dogs. They are highly trainable due to the intelligence of both the poodle and retriever genes. They are also often great candidates for therapy roles (pending appropriate temperament testing) due to their friendly, smart and intuitive nature.
Height: 53cm to 63cm
Weight: 21kg to 30kg
Height: 43cm to 52cm
Weight: 14kg to 20kg
Height: 35cm to 42cm
Weight: 7kg to 13kg
Groodles are known for their playful, loyal, and sweet disposition. Thanks to the intelligence they inherit from both Golden Retrievers and Poodles, Groodles are responsive to direction and easy to train. With a temperament that is both gentle and friendly, Groodles naturally make excellent family pets. They are highly loyal and protective, always keeping a watchful eye over their loved ones. Playful by nature, they thrive on human interaction and are happiest when actively involved in family life. Groodles bring joy and companionship into every corner of your world, as part of a large family or solo companion.
Groodles can have one of two distinct coat types:
Fleece: The fleece coat is soft and silky, similar to that of an Angora goat. It may appear wavy or have gentle curls. Fleece coats are known for being low-shedding and low-allergenic..
Wool: The wool coat is denser, resembling the spiraled wool of a sheep or lamb. It should not be too tight or overly dense. Like fleece coats, wool coats are also low-shedding and low-allergenic.
While we cannot guarantee either a completely non-shedding coat (as all dogs shed to some extent) or a hypoallergenic dog (as people can still react to their dander, fur or saliva), Groodles are generally a good option for those with mild allergies and make excellent indoor pets.
It is important to note that since Groodle coats don’t shed, they do require a moderate to high level of maintenance. Daily brushing and 6-8 weekly grooming is recommended to avoid matting which can be painful and cause hot spots and irritation.